I've been engaged with the Spiritual life, with healing (wholing), for nearly 20 years. For me the journey of healing is Holistic, meaning the system of health and well-being must be approached from the understanding of physicality, emotionality, cognition and spirit, and that each aspect of the system correlates to the other. Healing comes from a balance in the system as a whole.
I pride myself on bringing compassionate professionalism and integrity to all that I do and offer in this field of work.
A little of my own journey...
I first encountered my passion for this work in 2004, having spent my time before lost in alcohol and drugs. I awoke through a Spirit guided intervention from that chapter and into a new way of being and doing. In the process healing from chronic depression and self harm.
I promised to myself, and to the Universe, to give myself as fully to this 'new' way of living as I had to the 'old'.
I sank my energy into practice; Tai chi and Qigong, followed three years later by my first introductions to Reiki and into a direct relationship with Spirit; in the form of a team of guides, (thank you Gyan).
After some time 'The Way of Mastery' pathway came into my awareness and Jesus/Jeshua revealed himself as the main guide to me in this journey, (thank you Sarita and Jayem).
As the years went by and the practice continued, I began, in earnest, the task of uncovering the unconscious events of my short- and long-term history, revealing hidden fears and trauma from countless moments from the past. A work that continues to this day.
Through this uncovering I focussed on teaching 'The Way' and learning to process healing through breath, inquiry, forgiveness and Self-Love.
The essence of my work comes from this desire, that I come to embody the energy of the solution, through my own practice and process. The solution being the realisation of my Wholeness and Oneness with Creation and Love.
Coming to teach, touch, inquire, heal and breathe with others from my own embodied knowing and self-resolution, having birthed within a genuine compassion and understanding for the journey through separation and into felt wholeness and balance again.
I am a Clarity Breathwork Practioner, level 5 and Somatic Sex Educator in training, level 1. I am studying in the field of Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS). I have completed courses in De-Armouring, The Wheel of Consent and attended many Way of Mastery events and courses. I am a Reiki Teacher and T'ai Chi teacher and Channel for Jeshua.
I have over 15 years experience working therapeutically, both locally and internationally, with individuals and groups and currently have a practice offering online courses, sessions and in person retreats.
I am committed to healing in my own mind, body and experience and to share from both my process and from my resolution. I am a constant student.
I am blessed to journey with a wonderful life-partner who guides, teaches and shares with me into deeper and deeper wholeness, through the process of healing relationship and all that this brings. (Thank you Lauren).
I am also a father to beautiful 11-year-old boy who has taught me so much about myself and life along the way. (Thank you C).
I am happy to answer any questions that may arise. Please feel free to contact me below or email me at [email protected]
"I invite you to step out of the mind of separation and the worlds of your making and the dream of the dreamer and to know thyself. The thinking mind is not thyself. That is what you have created to pull yourself away from the clarity, the stillness and the silence of your truth.
I invite you to step out, to become once more your own reality. You are not the world of thought. You are not the body.
You are the stillness that these things arise within. You are the silent field of love that is receptive to the movement of life, that grace is, that God is, that love is. I invite you to establish your being in the stillness of yourself, that we might extend love together into the worlds of mind and humanity.