Jeshua shares that he is our friend and brother, he abides in communion with any heart that would make a space for him, and he communicates with many, many souls across all continents every day. It is in this Spirit that he comes to abide with us in this space, as a friend and as a brother.
He has asked for this space to be opened so that he can share and to deepen his communion with his friends, through the medium of channelling with Israel.
Israel has been a channel for Jeshua and the Lineage for over a decade. It was in a recent private channelling that Jeshua expressed his desire to have this monthly meeting arranged so that the Lineage and specifically Jeshua could have a voice to share through over the coming months.
As with all channels, the expression is unique and individual, yet the essence of Jeshua and Christ Mind are shared and felt through the deep resonance expressed through the heart.
Jeshua confirmed Israel as a channel for him through Jayem, during a recorded live channelling at the 'Way of the Heart Festival' back in 2013. Jayem is the channel for Jeshua's Pathway, 'The Way of Mastery'.
This is a by donation event.You will need to register for the zoom link. A recording will be available after the event. You will receive an email after registration with the event details and zoom link.
"Forgiveness is a wave of love from the creator's heart that moves always through all creation and can be adopted, can be harnessed, cultivated into an expression of light that is as simple as breath, that can undo all that has been done."