Sensation is a product of the nervous system and brain, meeting awareness. Very, very often the body has learnt that sensation is to be afraid of, we have generally all endured some touch that has been unwelcome. In some cases we have had touch forced upon our bodies, and we have usually forced touch upon ourselves in ways that have not truly honoured what we want. The body and mind can hold onto sensational scars, wounding, painful memory and overwhelm, this is often referred to as trauma. This can be held somatically in the body as armour. The experience, either singular or repeated over time, can inform the body/brain that sensation is painful and unwelcome. Often in situations in which it has felt impossible to assert personal boundary, where there has been a profound inability to say no, or to remove oneself, where there has been no safety. Or in which there has been such a degree of inner conflict that confusion has led to paralysis, shut down, freeze or acquiescence. All movements that would go against the deeper truth of what our being actually wants in that moment.
The solution in the body/brain is to close down the sensational apparatus, to become numb and to defend by the unconscious decision to simply not feel and not allow the channels of energy in the body to function. This is the development of armour.
The difficulty with this solution is that Life itself flows through these channels of feeling in the body, that a significant part of the amazing human experience is through feeling and sensation. And even though this can at times be painful and disturbing, it can also be magnificent and rewarding.
Traumatic experience is a reality for many of us, and the loss of body autonomy, through all manner of experiences can result in this shutting down and need to armour the body against attack. It is completely understandable. But we are not continuously exposed to traumatic experience, and often we move through and beyond the contexts of these experiences and into more loving encounters of life. Yet the armouring remains, the contraction remains against sensation and we can end up living half lives. Lives lived through bodies only half able to truly feel the sensations of pleasantness that are available to us all.
All to often the areas of the body that are most equipped to offer sensation, those areas of the body that are most innervated accumulate the most defences of armour, simply because they are the focus of the most intense sensation. The genitals, anus, hands, throat, face, all accumulate defence.
It is de-armouring that can begin the process of opening the body in its fullness to receive the sensations of its own internal system once more.
The foundations of this work are choice and safety. All too often it is the loss of choice in the situation that leads to the necessity of armour. Reinstating the power of personal choice, in a safe space, with the inclusion of possibility, touch and honouring the clients body, mind and decision is the first step. Cultivating understanding for the different perspectives of inner parts, and their relationship to touch and boundary. Shinning a light on the potential for inner conflict and confusion around touch and sensations, making space and allowance for this. Learning about consent, agreements, boundaries and respect for self and other. These are the formulas to creating a space safe enough to allow the body to begin to open and share its story.
Very often in therapies of touch and healing, the genitals are studiously avoided. This is understandable in the context of our societies that traditionally project huge amounts of shame and blame upon these innocent and truly neutral aspects of the body. The trainings that I am engaged in teach us how to approach the genitals with great care, with neutrality and with pure intention for healing. Choice, consent, honoured agreement, attunement and trust being the foundations upon which any and all touch commences. The result being the relaxation and rediscovery of our own bodies, as the channels through which we can both give and receive the experience of Life itself, as a flowing, pleasant, beautiful and benevolent sensational experience.
In the coming weeks I am opening space in my practice for two clients, to begin the process of genital de-armouring, this is for any and all genders. If you feel an interest in this work, or have any questions, please contact me through the form below, and we can go from there. There would be an initial discovery call on zoom, followed by sessions focussed on choice, communication and self empowerment, before we move into the de-armouring stages. I have an age restriction of +28 for this work.
Many thanks.
"You will be at peace. And in that peace, the Breath of God will move through you." Jeshua/Jayem, 'The Way of Mastery'