Grounding is the physical and energetic connection between mind, body and the Earth. The Earth being an aspect of the Divine Mother.
The entity or being of Gaia, an extension of the Mother, embodies the Earth, just as we, as Soul, embody these human forms upon Her. In this sense, grounding is the connection between our bodies and the Earth, as well as our Soul’s connection with the Divine Mother, through Gaia.
The qualities of the Mother are generally accepted as being of nurture, nourishment, safety, comfort, holding, compassion, protection, and love, amongst others. These are qualities that we can open to receive and attune to through the process of grounding.
All too often we have created energetic experiences and responses that limit or deny our connection with the Earth in this way, or we have simply forgotten.
In the absence of a solid and sustained connection with Earth and the Divine Mother, we tend to seek and search for proxy energies in the World. Often establishing patterns of dependence and addiction to things that can never truly give us the comfort, nurture, nourishment and love that we desire.
This is another form of grounding, the attempt to ground not into the energy of the Earth, but into the energies of the World. The distinction between the two things is very important.
In this two hour workshop...
We will look into how we are grounding ourselves, what we feel we need to try to get from the world, and the ways in which we hold onto the world in order to try to satiate these needs that can only truly be met by our communion with the Divine, both the Love of the Mother and the energy of matter, and by the father, and the Light or Energy of Spirit.
The birthing of Christ is the re-union of these energies, the coming together of the Light of Spirit, into the Love in form that is the Mother. It is where Light penetrates the form.
In this sense grounding resolutely into the Earth, is not only a beautiful, helpful way to feel Love and a deeper sense of safety in the World, it is also an essential energy in the journey to remembrance of who we are.
A recording will be available to those that have booked for the event.
"You will be at peace. And in that peace, the Breath of God will move through you." Jeshua/Jayem, 'The Way of Mastery'